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Plane Text


The plane text prefab enables rendering 2D text in Babylon by integrating babylon-msdf-text. Plane Text can be created by calling createPlaneText(), create(), or bind() returning a Mesh or Selection. The returned mesh is an empty parent mesh of the rendered text. The default font included is Roboto Regular. To use a different font, generate a texture atlas and json specification for your font using the MSDF font generator.


//With createPlaneText() returns Mesh
let planeText = anu.createPlaneText(name: string, options: {}, scene: Scene);

//updatePlaneText() will update the Mesh with the specified options in a single pass
planeText.updatePlaneText(options: {});

//setters will update the Mesh with the specified option after each call
planeText.text = string;

//With create() returns Mesh
let mesh = anu.create('planeText', name: string, scene: Scene, options: {}, data: {});

//With bind() returns Selection
anu.bind('planeText', scene: Scene, options: {}, data: [{}]);

//With bind() from a Selection returns a new Selection
Selection.bind('planeText', options: {}, data: [{}]);

//Combine run() and updatePlaneText() to update a Selection,n,i) => n.updatePlaneText(options: {}));


text(string) text to be rendered'undefined'
size(number) scaling factor to be applied to the Mesh, same as scaling1
opacity(number) opacity value between 0 and 11
align(string) horizontal alignment of the text, either 'left, 'center', or 'right''center'
color(Color3) color value of the mesh materialColor3.White()
font(json) json spec of the MSDF text fontroboto-standard.json
atlas(png) texture atlas of the MSDF text fontroboto-standard.png
fontHeight(number) max height of all chars in the json spec of the MSDF text font. Do not change if using default font. If using custom font, either calculate the max height value from the font's json spec or leave undefined to automatically calculate at runtimeundefined

Methods and Properties

Property / MethodDescription
updatePlaneText(options)updates the plane text with all the specified options in a single pass. Undeclared options will not be modified
text(string) gets or sets the rendered text
size(number) gets or sets the scaling factor
opacity(number) gets or sets the opacity value
align(string) gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the text
color(color3) gets or sets the color value of the mesh material
font(json) gets or sets the json spec of the MSDF text font
atlas(png) gets or sets the texture atlas of the MSDF text font
fontHeight(number) gets or sets the max height of the json spec


let options = {
    text: 'Hello World',
    color: Color3.Green()

let myText = anu.createPlaneText('myText', options, scene);

options.text = "Goodbye World";
options.color = Color3.Red();
options.size = 1.5;

scene.onPointerDown = (pointer) => myText.updatePlaneText(options);

scene.onPointerUp = (pointer) => myText.text = "Hello Again";