Plane Text
The plane text prefab enables rendering 2D text in Babylon by integrating babylon-msdf-text. Plane Text can be created by calling createPlaneText(), create(), or bind() returning a Mesh or Selection. The returned mesh is an empty parent mesh of the rendered text. The default font included is Roboto Regular. To use a different font, generate a texture atlas and json specification for your font using the MSDF font generator.
//With createPlaneText() returns Mesh
anu.createPlaneText(name: string, options: {}, scene: Scene);
//With create() returns Mesh
anu.create('planeText', name: string, scene: Scene, options: {}, data: {});
//With bind() returns Selection
anu.bind('planeText', scene: Scene, options: {}, data: [{}]);
//With bind() from a Selection returns a new Selection
Selection.bind('planeText', options: {}, data: [{}]);
Property | Value | Default |
text | (string) text to be rendered | 'undefined' |
size | (number) scaling factor to be baked into the vertices | 1 |
opacity | (number) opacity value between 0 and 1 | 1 |
align | (string) horizontal alignment of the text, either 'left, 'center', or 'right' | 'center' |
color | (Color3) color value of the mesh material | Color3.White() |
font | (json) json spec of the MSDF text font | roboto-standard.json |
atlas | (png) texture atlas of the MSDF text font | roboto-standard.png |
let options = {
text: 'Hello World',
color: Color3.Green()
anu.createPlaneText('text2d', options, scene);