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Color Scales


The color scale prefab provides utility class and methods for generating color scales and returning them in a variety of formats (hex, color3, material, etc.). This prefab can be used standalone or in conjunction with d3-scale. Additionally, these functions implement chroma.js to provide a variety of predefined schemes like color brewer, or your own custom color maps. We are also working on a few schemes of our own to come out later.


//returns list of color from scheme name or list of color hex codes
anu.ordinalChromatic(string | string[]).toColor3()

//returns function that accepts int 0-1 and returns corresponding color
anu.sequentialChromatic(string | string[]).toColor3()

Color and Material Formats

toColor3(steps)returns type of color3 length of steps or scheme by default
toColor4(steps)returns type of color4 length of steps or scheme by default
toStandardMaterial(steps)returns type of standardMaterial length of steps or scheme by default
toPBRMaterialRough(steps)returns type of PBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial length of steps or scheme by default
toPBRMaterialGlossy(steps)returns type of PBRSpecularGlossinessMaterial length of steps or scheme by default


//Creating some "data" as a simple object list of numbers 0-n
let data = [...Array(10).keys()].map((i) => { return {"data": i}})

//Create our color scale function
let color = d3.scaleOrdinal(anu.ordinalChromatic('d310').toColor3())

//Create spheres and bind our data to them, 
//move spheres into position and apply our color or material
let spheres = anu.bind('sphere', {}, data)
       .positionX((d) =>
       .material(() => new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("mat"))
       .diffuseColor((d) => color(