The Layout prefabs provide a quick way to generate 3D layout for a selection of 3D visualizations created by Anu.
//name (required), options (optional), scene (required)
//returns instance of a layout that arranges a selection of 3D visualizations on a 2D flat grid
let layout = anu.planeLayout(name: String, options?: {}, scene: BABYLON.Scene);
//returns instance of a layout that arranges a selection of 3D visualizations on a 3D cylindrical grid
let layout = anu.cylinderLayout(name: String, options?: {}, scene: BABYLON.Scene);
//returns instance of n layout that arranges a selection of 3D visualizations on a 3D spherical grid
let layout = anu.sphereLayout(name: String, options?: {}, scene: BABYLON.Scene);
//Change the row number and update the layout
layout.attr("row", val: number)
//Change the margin and update the layout
layout.attr("margin", val: BABYLON.Vector2)
//Change the radius and update the layout
layout.attr("radius", val: number)
//Update the layout now
//Can be called right after the Selection or Option changes
Property | Value | Default |
selection | (anu.Selection) a list of nodes in the Babylon scene-graph to be added to the layout, one cell per node. The expected usage is to pass a selection of root nodes for each chart. | null |
rows | (number) the number of rows for the layout | 1 |
radius | (number) the radius of the layout, only applicable to cylindrical/spherical layouts | 5 |
margin | (Vector2) the margin of the layout in x and y dimensions | (0, 0) |
Methods and Properties
Property / Method | Description |
root | (Mesh) the parent TransformNode of the layout |
currentLayout | (number) the current layout created (1 = plane; 2 = cylinder; 3 = sphere) |
attr | quickly change an option parameter and update the layout |
update | update the layout |
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Copyright : J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.
import * as anu from '@jpmorganchase/anu';
import * as d3 from 'd3';
import { Scene, HemisphericLight, ArcRotateCamera, StandardMaterial, Vector2, Vector3, Color3 } from '@babylonjs/core';
import * as gui from '@babylonjs/gui'
import cars from './data/cars.json' assert {type: 'json'};
export function layout(engine) {
const scene = new Scene(engine);
new HemisphericLight('light1', new Vector3(0, 1, 0), scene)
const camera = new ArcRotateCamera("Camera", -(Math.PI / 4) * 3, Math.PI / 4, 10, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), scene);
camera.wheelPrecision = 20;
camera.minZ = 0;
camera.position = new Vector3(-3, 3, -5);
//Generate 14 charts to begin with
//Randomly create 2D and 3D charts at 50/50 chance
let allcharts = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
let n = Math.random();
if(n > 0.5){
let chart = make2Dchart(scene, Math.random() * 100);
} else {
let chart = make3Dchart(scene, Math.random() * 100);
//Make an Anu selection of all meshes that have the name 'cot' (in this case, our charts we just created)
let charts = anu.selectName('cot', scene)
.scalingX((d) => Math.max(Math.random(), .5) * 2) //Add some size variation to these charts
.scalingY((d) => Math.max(Math.random(), .5) * 2)
.scalingZ((d) => Math.max(Math.random(), .4) * 2)
//Layout variables
let rows = 3;
let curve = 20;
let margin = new Vector2(20, 5);
//Create the layout, specify the layout type, parent name, and layout configurations
let layout = new anu.cylinderLayout('Layout', { selection: charts, rows: rows, margin: new Vector2(20, 5), radius: 20 }, scene)
.attr("row", 2);
//Resize the entire layout to make it more easily visible in a 1x1x1 area
//Example functions to update the configurations of the layout, such as curvature, row number, margins
let changeRow = function(rownum) {
rows = rownum;
layout.attr("row", rows);
let changeCurve = function(radius) {
curve = radius;
layout.attr("radius", curve);
let updateMarginX = function(val) {
margin.x = val;
layout.attr("margin", margin);
let updateMarginY = function(val) {
margin.y = val;
layout.attr("margin", margin);
let displayValue = function(value) {
return Math.floor(value);
let addChart = function () {
let chartnew = make3Dchart(scene, 0)
.scalingX((d) => Math.max(Math.random(), .5) * 2) //Add some size variation
.scalingY((d) => Math.max(Math.random(), .5) * 2)
.scalingZ((d) => Math.max(Math.random(), .4) * 2)
charts = anu.selectName('cot', scene); //Update our Anu selection
layout.options.selection = charts;
let removeChart = function() {
if(allcharts.length == 0)
allcharts[allcharts.length - 1].dispose();
charts = anu.selectName('cot', scene);
layout.options.selection = charts;
let setLayout = function(val) {
switch(val) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
//Make the Babylon UI that will allow the user to change the layout
let layoutGroup = new gui.RadioGroup("Layout");
layoutGroup.addRadio("Plane", setLayout);
layoutGroup.addRadio("Cylinder", setLayout, true);
layoutGroup.addRadio("Sphere", setLayout);
let rotateGroup = new gui.SliderGroup("Config", "S");
rotateGroup.addSlider("row", changeRow, "rows", 1, 6, 3, displayValue);
let curvature = new gui.SliderGroup("Curvature", "S");
curvature.addSlider("curvature", changeCurve, "units", 0, 80, 20, displayValue);
let marginx = new gui.SliderGroup("MarginX", "S");
marginx.addSlider("marginx", updateMarginX, "unit", 0, 60, 20, displayValue);
let marginy = new gui.SliderGroup("MarginY", "S");
marginy.addSlider("marginy", updateMarginY, "unit", 0, 20, 5, displayValue);
let advancedTexture = gui.AdvancedDynamicTexture.CreateFullscreenUI("UI");
let selectBox = new gui.SelectionPanel("sp", [rotateGroup, curvature, marginx, marginy, layoutGroup]);
selectBox.width = 0.2;
selectBox.height = 1.5;
selectBox.scaleX = 0.6;
selectBox.scaleY = 0.6;
selectBox.background = "#FFFFFF";
selectBox.horizontalAlignment = gui.Control.HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_LEFT;
selectBox.verticalAlignment = gui.Control.VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER;
selectBox.fontFamily = "times new roman";
selectBox.fontSize = "14pt";
let rect2 = gui.Button.CreateSimpleButton("button1", "add chart");
rect2.width = 0.2; // 0.2 = 20%
rect2.height = "40px";
rect2.cornerRadius = 20;
rect2.color = "white";
rect2.thickness = 4;
rect2.background = "blue"; = 200; //200 px
rect2.left = "10%";
rect2.onPointerClickObservable.add(() => {
let rect1 = gui.Button.CreateSimpleButton("button2", "remove chart");
rect1.width = 0.2; // 0.2 = 20%
rect1.height = "40px";
rect1.cornerRadius = 20;
rect1.color = "white";
rect1.thickness = 4;
rect1.background = "blue"; = 250; //200 px
rect1.left = "10%";
rect1.onPointerClickObservable.add(() => {
return scene;
//Similar to 2D bar chart example
function make2Dchart(scene, id){
const cylinders = [ Set( => item.Cylinders))].sort();
//Aggregate our data to the mean MPG and HP for two keys, origin and cylinders
let carsRollup = d3.flatRollup(cars, (v) => { return {Horsepower: d3.mean(v, d => d.Horsepower),
Miles_per_Gallon: d3.mean(v, d => d.Miles_per_Gallon)}},
d => d.Cylinders)
carsRollup =[Cylinders, Data]) => ({Cylinders, ...Data }));
//Get Min/Max values for our linear scales
const horsepowerMinMax = d3.extent([ Set( => item.Horsepower))])
const MPGMinMax = d3.extent([ Set( => item.Miles_per_Gallon))])
//Create our scales for positioning and coloring meshes
let scaleX = d3.scaleBand().domain(cylinders).range([-2.5,2.5]).paddingInner(1).paddingOuter(0.5);
let scaleY = d3.scaleLinear().domain(horsepowerMinMax).range([0,5]).nice();
let scaleC = d3.scaleSequential(d3.interpolatePuBuGn).domain(MPGMinMax);
//Create and select a transform node to be our parent
let CoT = anu.create('cot', 'cot' + id)
let chart = anu.selectName('cot' + id, scene);
//Bind boxes to our rolled-up data, position, scale, and color with our scales
let bars = chart.bind('plane', {height: 1, width: 0.8, sideOrientation:2}, carsRollup)
.positionX((d) => scaleX(d.Cylinders))
.scalingY((d) => scaleY(d.Horsepower))
.positionY((d) => scaleY(d.Horsepower) / 2)
.material((d, i) => new StandardMaterial("myMaterial", scene))
.diffuseColor((d) => { let rgb = scaleC(d.Miles_per_Gallon)
.replace(/[^\d,]/g, '')
.map((v) => v / 255)
return new Color3(...rgb)})
anu.createAxes('test', scene, { parent: chart, scale: { x: scaleX, y: scaleY } });'cot');
return chart;
//Similar to 3D bar chart example
function make3Dchart(scene, id){
//Get unique values for our categorical and ordinal scales
const origin = [ Set( => item.Origin))];
const cylinders = [ Set( => item.Cylinders))].sort().reverse();
//Aggregate our data to the mean MPG and HP for two keys, origin and cylinders
let carsRollup = d3.flatRollup(cars, (v) => { return {Horsepower: d3.mean(v, d => d.Horsepower),
Miles_per_Gallon: d3.mean(v, d => d.Miles_per_Gallon)}},
d => d.Origin,
d => d.Cylinders)
carsRollup =[Origin, Cylinders, Data]) => ({ Origin, Cylinders, ...Data }));
//Get Min/Max values for our linear scales
const horsepowerMinMax = d3.extent([ Set( => item.Horsepower))])
const MPGMinMax = d3.extent([ Set( => item.Miles_per_Gallon))]).reverse()
//Create our scales for positioning and coloring meshes
let scaleX = d3.scaleBand().domain(cylinders).range([-2.5,2.5]).paddingInner(1).paddingOuter(0.5);
let scaleY = d3.scaleLinear().domain(horsepowerMinMax).range([0,5]).nice();
let scaleZ = d3.scaleBand().domain(origin).range([-2.5,2.5]).paddingInner(1).paddingOuter(0.5);
let scaleC = d3.scaleSequential(anu.sequentialChromatic('OrRd').toPBRMaterialRough()).domain(MPGMinMax);
//Create and select a transform node to be our parent
let CoT = anu.create('cot', 'cot' + id)
let chart = anu.selectName('cot' + id, scene);
//Bind boxes to our rolled-up data, position, scale, and color with our scales
let bars = chart.bind('box', {height: 1, width: 0.8, depth: 0.8}, carsRollup)
.positionX((d) => scaleX(d.Cylinders))
.positionZ((d) => scaleZ(d.Origin))
.scalingY((d) => scaleY(d.Horsepower))
.positionY((d) => scaleY(d.Horsepower) / 2)
.material((d, i) => scaleC(d.Miles_per_Gallon))
//.diffuseColor((d) => scaleC(d.Miles_per_Gallon))
anu.createAxes('test', scene, {parent: chart, scale: {x: scaleX, y: scaleY, z: scaleZ}});'cot');
return chart;