Texture Map
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Copyright : J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.
import * as anu from '@jpmorganchase/anu';
import * as d3 from "d3";
import { Scene, HemisphericLight, ArcRotateCamera, Vector3, Color4 } from '@babylonjs/core';
import data from './data/airports.csv'; //Our data
//Create and export a function that takes a Babylon engine and returns a Babylon Scene
export function textureMap(engine){
//Create an empty Scene
const scene = new Scene(engine);
//Add some lighting
new HemisphericLight('light1', new Vector3(0, 10, 0), scene);
//Add a camera that rotates around the origin and adjust its properties
const camera = new ArcRotateCamera("Camera", -(Math.PI / 4) * 3, Math.PI / 4, 10, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), scene);
camera.wheelPrecision = 30; // Adjust the sensitivity of the mouse wheel's zooming
camera.minZ = 0; // Adjust the distance of the camera's near plane
camera.attachControl(true); // Allow the camera to respond to user controls
camera.position = new Vector3(0, 3, -0.25);
//createTextureMap() is an Anu prefab that easily allows us to create a plane with an OpenLayers map canvas as the texture
let textureMap = anu.createTextureMap('map');
//Get the OpenLayers map object from the prefab
let map = textureMap.map;
//Change the view parameters of the map to focus on the US
map.getView().setCenter([-100, 40]);
//Turn on keyboard controls on the TextureMap prefab, uses WASD and -+
//Due to a technical quirk, this function must be called *after* setting the center and zoom of the view
//The prefab also generates scale functions for us
//This allows us to convert longitude and latitude into their respective positions in the plane's local coordinate space in Babylon
let scaleLon = textureMap.scaleLon;
let scaleLat = textureMap.scaleLat;
//Because our data has over 3000 points, we will use mesh instancing for better performance
//Create a mesh to be our root instance, and register a buffer for color
let rootSphere = anu.create('sphere', 'sphere', { diameter: 0.25 });
rootSphere.isVisible = false;
rootSphere.registerInstancedBuffer("color", 4);
rootSphere.instancedBuffers.color = new Color4(0, 0, 0, 1); //Placeholder color, will be overwritten later
//Create our D3 color scale to assign colors to each data point depending on the US state they are in
let scaleC = d3.scaleOrdinal(anu.ordinalChromatic('d310').toColor4());
//Our map can be panned using WASD and -+ controls
//Therefore, we need a helper function to determine if a data point is visible on the map or not
let bounds = function (mesh) {
//We use the bounding box of the plane mesh as our boundary for testing if a point is inside or outside of it
let parentBoundingBox = textureMap.mesh.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox;
return !(mesh.position.x > parentBoundingBox.maximum.x ||
mesh.position.x < parentBoundingBox.minimum.x ||
mesh.position.z > parentBoundingBox.maximum.z ||
mesh.position.z < parentBoundingBox.minimum.z);
//Make an Anu selection of our map for it to serve as our CoT
let CoT = anu.selectName('map', scene);
//Create our spheres for our data
let spheres = CoT.bindInstance(rootSphere, data)
.setInstancedBuffer("color", new Color4(0, 0, 0, 1));
//We want the spheres to updates whenever the map is panned and zoomed
//Therefore we use OpenLayers' events to update our spheres after the map has finished rendering (postrender)
map.on("postrender", () => {
spheres.positionX((d) => scaleLon([d.longitude, d.latitude])) //These scale functions need to be pased both the longitude and latitude in an array
.positionZ((d) => scaleLat([d.longitude, d.latitude])) //This is a requirement from the OpenLayers API
.setInstancedBuffer("color", (d) => scaleC(d.state))
.prop("isVisible", (d,n,i) => bounds(n)) //Our function from before to determine if the point should be visible or not
//Rescale the map to make it easier to see
textureMap.scaling = new Vector3(0.05, 0.05, 0.05);
return scene;