python-training | repo

Python training for business analysts and traders

760 3421

modular | repo | pages

A modular front end development framework

63 605

jupyter-fs | repo

A filesystem-like contents manager for multiple backends in Jupyter

35 183

salt-ds | repo | pages

React UI components built with a focus on accessibility, customisation and ease-of-use

63 96

abides-jpmc-public | repo

41 85

nbcelltests | repo

Cell-by-cell testing for production Jupyter notebooks in JupyterLab

20 81

jif-dashboard | repo

A dashboard framework to quickly build widget-based dashboards

41 78

Phantom | repo

A Multi-agent reinforcement-learning simulator framework.

12 51

llm-email-spam-detection | repo

LLM for Email Spam Detection

7 48 | repo | pages


54 35

bt | repo | pages

bt - flexible backtesting for Python

10 34

swblocks-baselib | repo

A modern C++11 library that provides a number unique capabilities, idiomatic blocks and wrappers which are generic, flexible, compose-able and can be used in many generic contexts for development of both applications and system level components

23 30

sandboni-core | repo

Sandboni - Java test optimization library which reduces test execution time without compromising quality

25 29

py-avro-schema | repo | pages

Generate Apache Avro schemas for Python types including standard library data-classes and Pydantic data models.

5 29

inference-server | repo | pages

Deploy your AI/ML model to Amazon SageMaker for Real-Time Inference and Batch Transform using your own Docker container image.

7 28

swblocks-decisiontree | repo

swblocks-decisiontree library is a high performance, highly flexible service which evaluates inputs to a set of rules to identify one and only one output rule which in term results in a set of outputs

15 25

QOKit | repo | pages


12 25

payments | repo

JPMC Payments open source projects

20 25

onyx-ssi-sdk | repo

Onyx Self Sovereign Identity SDK

20 25

mosaic | repo | pages

19 19

iff | repo

Feature Flags: The Next Generation

3 19

topical | repo

2 17

opencell | repo

Spreadsheets 3.0

13 17

onyx-ssi-sdk-examples | repo

Onyx Self Sovereign Identity SDK Examples

14 16

anu | repo | pages

Immersive Visualization Toolkit for BabylonJS

4 14

fusion | repo

PyFusion is the Python SDK for the Fusion platform API.

17 12

cf-shap | repo

Counterfactual SHAP: a framework for counterfactual feature importance

7 12

swblocks-jbl | repo

swblocks-jbl library is a set of core Java utilities based on Java 8 which provides as set of core error handling tools and additional utilites used across the swblocks projects. It has been written to avoid the problem of including a number of large external dependencies which are only required for one or two classes.

16 11

java-lint-assert | repo

Java Lint Library

14 11

depcom | repo

A blazing fast go / npm package that extracts imported dependencies from Javascript / Typescript / CSS source files.

3 11

SFinX | repo

Standardized FINancial eXtractions

5 10

kallisti | repo

Chaos Engineering Framework across Private / Public / Hybrid Cloud Environments

6 10

fusion-java-sdk | repo | pages

A Java SDK for the Fusion platform API

8 8

cf-shap-facct22 | repo

Counterfactual Shapley Additive Explanation: Experiments

6 7

react-component-usage | repo

A tool for UI or Design System libraries to understand usage patterns of React components within it's organisation

2 6

kallisti-core | repo | pages

Core functionality of Kallisti Chaos Engineering Framework

7 6

Figma-Plugins-and-Widgets | repo

Figma plugins and widgets to enhance design workflows

5 6

api-miner | repo

3 6

.github | repo

Community Content for JPMC Repositories

29 6

fusion-notebooks | repo

Code and Jupyter notebooks that provide working examples of how to use the PyFusion SDK

2 5

py-adapter | repo | pages

Round-trip serialization/deserialization of any Python object to/from any serialization format including Avro and JSON.

2 4

ovor | repo


0 4

jpmc-qcware-deephedging | repo

JPMC & QCWare Quantum Deep Hedging

0 3

cv4code | repo

CV4Code - Sourcecode Understanding via Visual Code Representations

2 3

salesforce-b2c | repo

host adapters for salesforce

4 2

keto | repo | pages

Open Source (Go) implementation of "Zanzibar: Google's Consistent, Global Authorization System". Ships gRPC, REST APIs, newSQL, and an easy and granular permission language. Supports ACL, RBAC, and other access models.

2 2

sap | repo

host adapters for sap

2 1

porting-advisor-for-graviton | repo

0 1

pandemic-ui-chase | repo | pages

JPMC Institute Project Pandemic UI Chase

0 1

elemental | repo | pages

Build beautiful, interactive API Docs with embeddable React or Web Components, powered by OpenAPI and Markdown.

4 1

Intimate-Partner-Financial-Abuse-in-Public-Consumer-Complaints | repo

1 0

hardness-of-mis-on-udg | repo | pages

Code for paper "Hardness of the Maximum Independent Set Problem on Unit-Disk Graphs and Prospects for Quantum Speedups"

0 0

dropout-rashomon-set-exploration | repo

JPMorganChase Global Technology Aplied Research dropout rashomon set exploration project

0 0